题 目:Speaker's intention, signification and cancellability
讲座人:冯光武 教授
时 间:2012年12月6日星期四下午3:00-5:00
地 点:必赢626net入口100室
冯光武,博士、教授,研究方向为语义学、语用学和日常语言哲学,目前主要从事规约含义理论的研究。2008年毕业于英国雷丁大学(师从黄衍教授),获语言学博士学位,2011年至2012年获富布莱特基金会资助,在耶鲁大学语言学系师从 Laurence R. Horn教授从事博士后研究,获富布莱特学者证书,已在Journal of Pragmatics、Language Sciences、Studies in Logic、《现代外语》等国内外期刊发表论文20余篇、参与国家和省部级课题4项,曾为Journal of Pragmatics和《现代外语》等期刊的匿名审稿专家。
This talk reveals the ‘deeper aspects of the unity’ between Grice’s (1989) notion of intention and his other notions of signification, cancellability, and context. We emphasize that the total signification of an utterance is ultimately determined by the speaker’s intention. We start with Grice’s elucidation of the correspondences between language, thought and reality and his idea of non-natural meaning by relating them to Locke’s argument that meaning of words or sentences resides in the mind of those who utter them. We then proceed to argue that both what is said and what is implicated, once actually delivered, are hard to cancel. It is noted that contextual factors have little role to play in generating implicatures though hearers or analysts rely heavily on them to infer or construct what is meant. We suggest that implicatures be differentiated from putative inferences which can be intentionally blocked from arising. We also suggest that any intention-based account of meaning be ontologically clear that it is speaker’s intention that we are really invoking to capture the metaphysics of meaning.