- 1994-09 — 1998-07 西安交通大学,科技英语和国际金融,双学士
- 1999-09 — 2002-07 西安交通大学,外国语言学及应用语言学,硕士
- 2009-06 - 2013-05 美国明尼苏达州大学,教育学,博士
- 2013-12 - 2016-04 必赢626net入口中国语言文学博士后研究工作
- 专著:《英语作为第二语言或外语语境下的阅读动机和思维素养研究》,世界图书出版社,2021
- 参编《CATTI 英语词汇手册》,新世界出版社,2020
- 第一作者:Motivational factors underlying different levels of reading comprehension of English language learners. TESOL Journal. e00448. 10.1002/tesj.448. 2020
- 第一作者:A Learning design based on three motivational factors. Proceedings of The International Symposium on Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Teaching, CPCI-SSH, 2019
- 第二作者:Basic research on learning, cognition and emotion and its implications for language teaching, Proceedings of The International Symposium on Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Teaching, CPCI-SSH,2019
- 第二作者:《教育现代化》,论文,基于移动云的商务英语SPOC 教学实验研究, 2019, doi:10.16541/j.cnki.2095-8420.2019.86.075
- 第一作者: A Learning Design Integrating Meaning and Engagement for Business English Language Learners, Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Linguistics and Intercultural Business Communication, CPCI-SSH索引, 2017
- 第一作者:《剑桥二语习得综览》评介,论文,《现代外语》,2015
- 第一作者:《二语习得中的研究方法:实用指南》评介,论文,《当代语言学》,2015
- 第一作者:An Analysis and Critique of Homework Practice in Learning Theories ---from Zimmerman's Research, 2014 International Conference on Psychology and Public Health, Singapore Management and Sports Science Institute and Information Engineering Research Institute, CPCI-SSH索引, 2014/02
- 第一作者:What Makes America America: A Review of Educational Policy in United States, 2014 4th International Conference on Applied Social Science, Advances in Education Research, CPCI-SSH索引, 2014/01
- 主持,《报刊选读》网上示范课程建设(JNU-J-CXGCWY2015004),校级,必赢626net入口, 2015
- 主持,基于“英语报刊选读”的网络课程改革(JG2015042),校级,必赢626net入口, 2015
- 课题成员,基于SPOC的混合式教学模改革与实践——以“商务英语”系列课程为例,广东省高等教育学研究和改革项目, 2016
- 主持,广东省哲学社科“十三五”规划学科共建项目,中国英语学习者阅读动机和阅读深度结构方程模型构建研究 (GD16XWW26), 2017
- 参与,基于认知诊断的港澳台侨学生英语阅读教学研究与实践(JG2019023),校级,必赢626net入口,2019
- 荣获全国高校教师教学创新大赛---第六届外语微课大赛 广东省二等奖 (2020)主办单位:中国高等教育学会,获奖作品:老外也会犯的错:Affect & Effect